
Lloyds vs. AEG Live and The Michael Jackson Company

As the media reported, the Lloyds sued both AEG Live and The Michael Jackson Company this week. Below you may read some details about the case:

- Lloyds and AEG started negotiations for a while about the insurance payments due to MJ's death. But according to Lloyds, AEG refused to handle important documents and informations to them regarding MJ, AEG and Conrad Murray. Therefore Lloyds is not willing to pay any money, or not the full amount.

- The insurance agreement refers to MJ as "Mark Jones" and to his company as "The Mark Jones Company LLC" for privacy reasons.

- Interstingly the agreement was about 30 concerts, therefore MJ planned way more than 10 concerts from the very beginnings. That doesn't support the claims that MJ has been pushed into more concerts without his knowledge.

- According to the agreement there were some restrictions, like Lloyds' representatives should have seen MJ on one of the London rehearsals, as well to see his medical reports. That finally never took place.

- According to the papers MJ hasn't visited any doctors since his 2005 trial than "cosmetic doctors".

- The insurance agreement details how the stage would have been look like, and it's moving parts. As well it lists all the team members appearing on stage.

- It's been planned the MJ will live in a rented place paid by AEG Live UK. He would have been move by 2-3 cars, and the travel time would take 20 to 60 minutes depending on the traffic. He would have been accompanied by Karen Faye, Conrad Murray and his children on occasions. Plus 2-3 bodyguards.

- MJ would have been arrive to the UK on or around 4th of July, 2009 by a private chart. The first rehearsal would have been on the 8th, of July.

- AEG expected 43 million USD in incomes after the first 30 shows.

- MJ did not agree to any "meet and greets" kind of parties.

- Dr. Tohme Tohme was also covered by the policy.


Susan62509 said...

Here's the link to read the LLoyd's vs AEG & MJJ Company. It does not have the attachemnts but Leslie has given us a good idea of what they are.

IMO, AEG was negligent with Lloyd's in providing them with updated information, especially Tohme. I wonder if AEG will try and postpone a court date with Lloyd's until after Katherine's AEG lawsuit and CM's trial are complete.

AEG's defense with Lloyd's can impact Katherine's case, so AEG will be walking a tight rope.

Anonymous said...

The contract does not stand up to legal scrutiny.MJ`s signatures were faxed and some poss. faked.
Also I wonder how Lloyds will look upon Dr. C. Murray´s insomnia "traement".Thome Thome´s actions in all this are especially suspect.He stated early on that he did not believe Michael could do even 1 show.AEG has been negligent in more than one way. Are they interested in the strange things happening in Murray´s pretrials, his finances and his
repeated requests for postponements for irrational,ludicrous reasons.LLoyds
ought to take a close look at these 2 characters.-Consideration for Michaels health, person amd life was thrown overboard from the start.

Anonymous said...

"Interestingly the agreement was about 30 concerts, therefore MJ planned way more than 10 concerts from the very beginnings"

Tickets for the concerts went on presale 11/12th March 2009, general sale 13th March 2009, during the presale the amount of concerts was rapidly increased from 10. The insurance policy effective date was 24th April 2009 so it would seem that at the time of sale there was NO insurance, so imo this policy is not an indication of the planned no of dates at that time. Leslie are you aware of this. On 20th May 2009 Randy Phillips and Kenny Ortega held a press conference when the dates were moved back. Phillips said " we have insurance for the first 23 dates in place. That binder was not a problem, we negotiated it. That’s the reason why WE HAD THE GUT TO GO ON SALE WITHOUT HAVING INSURANCE, as I’ve said before, AEG is a company that was prepared to insure, self-insure since we believe so greatly in Michael Jackson’s talent and his willingness,and his want to come back and perform for his fans again and get on the stage. We have insurance in place, we’re negotiating for better coverage and GREATER coverage past the first 23 shows, but we definately have insurance He passed his health, and you know his physical with flying colors as I’ve said in the past"

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share this link out of coutesy for Michael Jackson fans because it captures a small but significant part of Michael Jackson's success and legacy.
