
The Dieter Wiesner Connection?

I received a message with some interesting information regarding Michael Jackson's German merchandises, and Dieter Wiesner. Let's see these details:

According to this person there is a tight connection between UD Group International and Wiesner. The fact that UDG is selling the sub-woofer system made in Wiesner's era might be an evidence: http://www.umadubhe.com/index.php?p=shop&action=showproduct&id=190&cid=37&pname=mj-michael-jackson-original-soundsystem-peerless-mj-one-flat-panel-mit-aktiv-subwoofer-sehr-rar- . However it's not clear if the items has been stored by Wiesner's MJ Net Entertainment or TePax.

More to come soon...


Anonymous said...

Joe Jackson Signs Endorsement Agreement with UD Group International

Joe Jackson today signed a marketing agreement with Manuela Koschker and Don Stardy of UD Group International for the Production of Joe Jackson Champagne, Ice Cream, Jewelry, Fashion (Suits, Jeans) Globally. Mr. Jackson was very impressed with the extremely high quality and attention to detail that the UD Group employed in producing unique and elegant designs of the various products.

UD Group International confirmed production was already underway and would be hitting stores near you later this same year.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dieter Wiesner turned up in a Jackson photo exhibition in Pforzheim a few days ago so there seems to be a link at least indirectly to Joe Jackson's doings lately.

Anonymous said...

"You may be my greatest fan, but I am a walking disaster, I am the Demolition Man..." (by Sting, 1982)

Blanaid X Lives said...

The link between Dieter Wiesner, UD Group and Joe Jackson is evident now with the "press conference" held in Cannes. Also, Dieter Wiesner and Joe Jackson met in Bangkok in April: "Mr. Joseph Jackson is currently in Bangkok Thailand, fielding a number of Interviews with Former Michael Jackson Manager Dieter Weisner. He is scheduled to fly into Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam on the 21st of April." (http://www.jwjackson.com/?p=263&lang=en-us, always a good source to keep up with Joe Jackson). He is trying to build up an alliance centering around the fact that the History logo apparently is owned by a different entity than the estate in Germany, it appears, and with his latest statements about Neverland and Happyland the connection here gets clearer as well - however, no word about the project in Gary - has this been buried?

Anonymous said...

Let those clown make fools of themselves. The Estate is watching them like Big Brother and will strike when the opportunity shows up.

Joe can dream Neverland for the rest of his sorry life all he wants. He ain't touching that place and cannot use the name as it's a trademark which belongs to the Estate.

By the way who wants to smell like a 82 year old man? Certainly not me.