
Fake Heal The World Foundation Items and Donations

In the Michael Jackson Estate vs. Melissa Johnson case the MJ Estate claims that Johnson used her fake Heal The World Foundation and MJ's name to gain money.

Below I send some websites where you can see yourself how Johnson misleads people to collect money:


june said...

Leslie - the third link you supplied, donations.ebay, etc., contains, in very small print, the direct link to the fake HTW charity, and contained within THAT site, there is an updated "about us" page, and a "YBA" page. Clicking on both those internal links reveal photos of certain individuals, which IMO, clearly demonstrate the exploitative lengths to which Johnson has gone. While there are disclaimers concerning the estate's lawsuit on the website of this fake charity, these photos reveal Johnson's shocking manipulation. Michael Jackson would never approve of his children being used in this manner.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that June. Naturally, there's always another side to every story.


Anonymous said...

Actually, I just got to thinking June. You really don't sound like a Jackson fan. I think you may be one of the Jackson Estate executor's PR people from Citrix. Isn't there still a lady whose middle name is June working for Citrix PR?

In early 2010 at the Grammy's Michael's children said they wanted to continue doing what their father did. But look at your post, pretending to be all concerned about exploitation, when the truth is Jackson's children simply care about others. The Estate executors don't own these children's goodwill. I doubt Branca and McClain even get pass the welcome mat at Hayvenhurst.

Anonymous said...

If the YBA page showed only MJ3, then you could say exploitation. That page shows all the YBA's. So I dont think it is exploitation. It is just a list of all YBA's . Do not bloat up what does not exist

june said...

@cindy, I don't know who or what Citrix is, my comment is based upon my own research.

Anonymous said...

Citrix has been hired by MJ Estate Executors to 'infest' the fan community with inaccurate information, I am sure you know who they are June! Leslie thank you for all your hard work and research but please remember we dont know if HTWF are fake until a judgment has been made, its good to get the information available on line but please remember we can never know with 100% accuracy what the full story is with Estate V HTWF, I too used to think like you but after digging much deeper it seems the Estate are not being truthful, there is too much of a paper trail to just site back and swallow what they feed us: If you look here http://www.etonline.com/documents/et_jjackson_filing_091110.pdf you can see the deceit Branca has pulled before on Micheal, so i am not buying anything he has to say, HTWF on the other hand i dont see any fraud on their side, EXCEPT what Branca and his hired PA want to brain wash us with!!
Please take a look at ALL the info posted on this site: http://www.teammichaeljackson.com/tmj_012.htm watch the video in full screen, take a look at the documents! these can not be fake, i see a direct link to Michael, the Estate claim "No connection to Michael" goes straight out the window!!

Anonymous said...

As for the links you have posed with regards to donations, i think it would be a good idea to ask the organization what the situation is, as i have seen on their site they were asking for help with legal counsel. again its dangerous to presume without talking to the party involved:
Thank you again Leslie great blog
God Bless

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous and @Cyndy:
I see that Melissa Johnson is paying you a lot of money to brainwash you. The woman is a nut case that has a history of harassing MJ and his staff. and now she's also going after his children. even worse, She went as far as lying to the authorities about being the owner of MJ's charity. I hope the feds comes after her and locks her up for good.

Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous, please show yourself if you are brave enough! i dont need to hide behind anonymity, NO ONE PAYS me to do anything, i research and make my own mind up!! I SPEAK THE TRUTH, i fear no one but God!! maybe you need to take a look in the mirror, Throwing words around is very easy with no PROOF!!

Kelly4MJ said...

Hello Ladies, I see things are getting real exciting here, Leslie ? For you? Is your reporting here biased or do you lean towards one entity,if so which one and why?

Kelly4MJ said...


ok i see save the children selling same bottles as Heal The World Foundation for $100 are they misleading the public also? Heal The World Selling for $25
Whats the gig here? Why the negativity towards an Heal The World?
I looked over the site Team Michael. I see a solid basis. so what is the problem here, Michael Jackson? Why does everything around him have to be a conspiracy?

LeslieMJHu said...


From now on I will delete the posts that does not reflect on my blog's content, but on personal issues between two posters. I want to keep this space for people who are looking for interesting informations, and are willing to discuss in a reasonable way.

I believe that MJ was aware of his will, and made it's content on a purpose. He could have Katherine, Joe or anyone else in charge of his estate, but he didn't. As well I followed his businesses in the past 10 years and haven't seen anything he did with his family on this level. Again it's my opinion, the Jackson family members are nice people, but they don't know how to make a business successful. None of them made any financial success on their own, and in the business life that's a more important then being MJ's family. If I would have been MJ and I would prepare my will, I would do the same: give the control of my estate to professionals, and let my family enjoy the benefits.

For me John Branca isn't God, neither his team. For me they are well known names with huge experience on their fields. Who are capable of making a business successful, because they are playing in big and are after the quality.
For me the MJ Estate vs. Anyone isn't about the fight of the good and bad. For me the MJ Estate is an entity, a team of people that has been built up according to MJ's will. He worked with most of them at the time of his death if not all of them.
For me these fights are about divide MJ's estate and let it contol by more teams. I find it the most dangerous, because if there isn't one and only entity to control everything, the parts will be weaker then together.
For me the difference between Branca and Melissa Johnson is that Branca is a professional on his own field, while Johnson is a fan with no experience on this level. If I would be Katherine I would let Branca's "machine" running and send me the money as per MJ's will, and not to divide the entity's power because that will harm me on the long run as well.

Some of you said that the MJ Estate executors didn't even meet with the family. For me they don't have to. For me they have to represent MJ on the business level and earn the most money possible. Branca hasn't been hired as a nanny for the kids, that's Katherine's role, and vica-versa Katherine hasn't been asked to make business in the name of MJ.

I will get back later...


dakota12 said...

I support this LOVE Kathrine God Bliss.

Kelly4MJ said...

With all due respect Leslie, even MONKEYS could conduct business and make money of Michael Jackson, its Michael Jackson name that is bringing in the money, not the Estate!
The Estate team are no good people, if you have been following Michael business for 10 years then you should of all people know what a thug Branca is!! Time will tell all, Branca is not the only person to run the estate, i dont think Melissa is trying to be and Executor of the estate, she is fighting for Michael charity, she picked up what was thrown out by "Machine" Branca!!

LeslieMJHu said...


Cindy wrote that MJ's children said, they want to follow their father's charitable work. I love it and I hope they will do so. For me there is a difference between setting up their own charity (that they could do), or having a charity with the Michael Jackson Estate Exacutors, or teaming up with the fake Heal The World Foundation. For me it's about the quality and the long term planning, that MJ was after so much. Like when he made a video, he not only intended to be captured, but to make the biggest video ever.

Melissa Johnson admitted in her deposition that she lied to many of the government authorities, as well she fraudently merged her foundation with MJ's original HTWF. Does anyone think that this is a good idea for MJ's kids to team up with someone like this? Does anyone think that when MJ teamed up with similar shady figures in the past anything turned out to be good? I'm not questioning that Johnson is a big fan of MJ, as well that she is a warm-hearted charitable person. But for me being a good fan or running a serious charity requires different abilities. A serious person who is eligible to make business on the level of MJ's kids does not start the work with lying to authorities and committing frauds.
Some poster said that John Branca conned MJ and is a bad person. So the Jackson family should do business with someone who conned others evidently?

James posted a link as others selling the same bottles as the fake HTWF. The difference: those other people are using a phrase and logo that's not connected to MJ, except the core idea of saving children. While what Johnson did is that she used the original (and once copyrighted) HTWF logo and name. In legal terms this is absolutely different.

Yes, even monkeys can make money out of MJ's name, we could have seen that in the past 10 years of his life.


Anonymous said...

Melissa Johnson admitted in her deposition that she lied to many of the government authorities, as well she fraudently merged her foundation with MJ's original HTWF.

@Leslie, can you please post documentation or something of Melissa Johnson admitting to this? Also, proof that Michael Jackson actually rehired Branca after firing him. We all saw the letter where he fired him, but I haven't seen anything on him rehiring Branca.


Anonymous said...

The last time I read anything about the charities to receive a portion of the 20% of the Estate the Managers, Lawyer and Mrs. Jackson were deciding which charities the Estate would support. Has an agreement been reached and if so what are the names of all the charities to receive money? I would imagine if a charity is willing to accept Michael's money than they have no problem announcing their bounty.

Anonymous said...

Leslie i second what anonymous posted about, can you post proof of the lies when depos were done, i am i little worried here, i enjoyed reading all the info you have posted but that comment has thrown me off, noone, but no one is permitted to know what is in those depos, how can you possibly know unless Branca is committing a crime by letting you hear them

LeslieMJHu said...


With all due respect, no. It takes time for me to find the document again, pay for it, cut off the actual part and upload. I wouldn't do it just to proove the information, when I will have spare time will post it.

The depositions are made for the actual court cases, therefore it is up to the parties if they agree to publish them or ask for a seal on the records.


Anonymous said...

Cindy, I like how you think. The Jackson Estate does not have any interest in Kathrine and Michael's children, much less this charity. I am all for Michaels mother and kids being involved in helping people, as Michael did. The woman who runs that charity is a hospice nurse. The estate is trying to stop this charity??? REALLY!!! I will tell you why, they want a piece of it somehow. gross... Go Mrs Jackson & Howard Mann. He is the only true friend that family has.